Tips for New Freelancers

1. Create a Strong Portfolio:

If you haven’t already, now’s the time to build a resume if you want to work as a freelancer in a field you know well. Whether you want to switch careers through freelancing, or just want to be your own boss, the only way to get a good job offer is to show potential clients why they should hire your services. You can ask clients with whom you have had a good experience to let you use their projects as examples of your skills and expertise. If this is not possible because all the work you do is personal, create an example of a personal project that showcases your skills in the best possible way.

2. Create a Blog:

Everyone has a blog these days. Why wouldn’t you be the same? If you have a free blog, your customers can even use it as a free website. It allows you to add your artwork, transform your projects and showcase your professional skills. The time you invest in it is well worth it in the long run. Moreover, it opens more doors for you by letting more people know about you and your work.

3. Don’t worry about starting Small:

As a newcomer you still have to show what you can do. So make sure you’re open to taking advantage of every little opportunity that comes your way. Start small and work your way up to successful freelancing. You also learn the ins and outs of the job, which is especially important if you work alone without the help of a team or boss. Every small job you do will bring you closer to your ultimate goal of working on bigger, more profitable projects. Plus, it helps you build relationships with your customers. If they like the hard work and care you put into your job, they can offer you permanent employment.

4. Make the Call:

As a freelancer, you should always strive to improve your profile. This means that you must take every assignment you take on very seriously. Don’t take a job because your offer is too low, then quit if you know you could lose money. Don’t make promises you can’t keep and don’t agree to work you’re not quite ready for. Your reputation depends on what you offer, so make sure they are always reasonable and realistic. Every client you work with is a potential job-stable connection, so make sure you approach every business opportunity with the same level of professionalism and seriousness.

5. Better Networking:

Since you work for yourself, you have to find your own work. How does this work? By connecting with others on social media sites, of course! Tell your old friends, colleagues and everyone you know that you are available as a private contractor. Also, make sure you are aware of any changes in the industry. If you have a good page on your networking site, more people will find you online and your name will get more attention.

6. Normal Business Hours:

As an employee, it can be tempting to waste time because you’re home at the end of the day, or to work too much at once and then be unhappy with your salary. To be a great freelancer, you need to be able to balance work and leisure. Try to work at the same time each day as you do in your normal job. It also allows you to calculate how much time a job will take and set your price accordingly. As a beginner, hourly jobs can be a better choice because they can help you better understand how to calculate how much time something takes and how to allocate resources.

7. Be Careful when Choosing a Niche:

Today, almost any professional can work as a freelancer from the comfort of their own home. They can choose what work they want to work on and how fast they want to work. Writers, designers, editors, publishers, programmers, IT consultants, content managers, investment advisors, lawyers, nutritionists, SEO experts and even multimedia specialists can easily find part-time jobs for a steady income. But the key is to choose a field that you know well and have experience in.

8. More Information:

So you’ve chosen freelancing as your full-time job. But how will you bill your customers? Remember that freelancing is not the same as having a regular job. You want to be paid fairly for your work, but since your work will be very different, you should know the company’s standards before bidding. Do some research and find out what a professional like you can expect as a paid freelancer. Then make your own adjustments based on your education, work experience, and other skills.

9. Ask for Referrals:

As you want to get more and more jobs, make sure you get along with all your clients. Ask them for referrals and advice so you can get more work done.


A successful freelance career starts with building a strong portfolio. As a freelancer, you can win clients and build a solid reputation by showing off your skills, taking advantage of opportunities, building a great network and being professional. Remember that freelancing gives you many options, and if you work hard and don’t give up, you can achieve your work goals.