10 Essentials Every Writer Needs to Start a Freelance Career

As a writing teacher and freelance writer, I am often asked what is the most important thing to start writing. While basic writing skills are important, there are ten other things every freelancer should have. In this article, I will discuss these ten elements and explain why they are important for starting a successful freelance writing business.

1. A Well-Written Resume

When you start out, you may not have much experience to put on your resume, but it’s still important to have a document that shows your education, writing skills, and any relevant publications. A professional resume shows your dedication and skills to potential clients, editors and publishers.

2. A Professional Resume

A professional resume is similar to a resume, but provides a more concise summary of your education, experience, writing skills and services. It should be written in the third person and briefly outline what you know.

3. Writing Samples

Even if you haven’t published yet, it’s important to have samples of your work to show how good you are. These can be unpublished works that demonstrate your writing skills in a variety of ways. Applications for many freelance writing jobs require you to provide work samples and a professional resume.

4. What are Your Career Goals this Year?

Setting three goals for the year is a great way to stay on track and avoid being too busy. These goals should be clear, achievable, and aligned with what you want to do in the long run. Limiting yourself to three goals allows you to focus on achieving them rather than trying to do too much at once.

5. Weekly Marketing Plan

To be successful, you need a business plan and writing schedule for each work week. Set aside time every Sunday evening or Monday morning to plan your marketing strategy and set aside time to write projects. With a clear plan you can work towards your goals methodically and effectively.

6. Take Responsibility

Freelance writers need to make sure they can be held accountable. Having someone or something accountable to hold you accountable can help you stay focused on your goals and make sure you achieve them throughout the year. You may want to join a writing group, work with a writing tutor, or ask a writer with similar goals to help you.

7. A Website or Blog Run by a Professional

Every serious freelancer should have an online profile. Clients and editors expect freelance writers to have a professional website or blog that showcases their work, showcases their education and experience, and provides information about the writing services they offer. A website increases your credibility and makes it easier for people who might want to hire you to find you.

8. Business Card

Business cards are an easy and inexpensive way for independent writers to promote their name. Add your name, company name (if applicable), phone number and email address. For your own safety, please do not disclose your home address. You may need a PO Box and have that address written on your business card if needed.

9. Record of Success

A success journal is a great way to track your progress and encourage yourself. Use a notebook or journal to write down what you do each day or week, such as your marketing efforts, goal writing, and what you’re doing to achieve your big goals. Success Notebook helps you track your freelance writing activities and stay organized.

10. Total Commitment

Starting a job as a freelance writer takes a lot of hard work. Freelancing can be difficult, especially if you have a lot of other things to do. It is important to be fully committed to your writing goals before starting the job. This commitment pushes you to address past issues and make your freelance writing a priority, even when the going gets tough.


To become an independent writer, you need more than basic knowledge of writing. Doing these ten key things will help you achieve success. Make sure you have a professional resume and resume, a collection of writing samples, clear goals, a marketing plan, someone to hold you accountable, an online presence, business cards, a success journal, and most importantly, a commitment to making your freelance writing a priority. As long as you make a decision, don’t give up, and have it, you can embark on a rewarding journey as an independent writer.


1. Can I start a freelance writing career without any experience?

Yes, you can start a freelance writing career with no experience. Focus on developing your writing skills, creating writing samples, and building a professional online presence.

2. How many goals should be set in a year?

It is recommended to formulate three major goals for the year. Limiting yourself to three goals will help you focus your efforts effectively and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

3. Even if I have a strong social media presence, do I still need a professional website?

While a social media presence can be helpful, having a professional website can provide a dedicated space to showcase your work, experience, and services. It adds credibility and professionalism to your freelance writing career.

4. How often should I update my success log?

You can update your success log daily or weekly, depending on your preference. The key is to consistently track your progress and celebrate your achievements.

5. Is it possible to move from a full-time job to freelance writing?

Yes, it is possible to move from a full-time job to freelance writing. Plan your transition carefully, gradually build your career as a freelance writer and make sure you have a steady stream of income before you make the switch.