10 Characteristics of Successful Freelance Writers

You can be a freelance writer at any time. However, there are ten characteristics of an effective “working” freelance writer. If your freelance writing career isn’t what you want, you may need to develop some of these traits.

  • Regular Writing: Professional freelance writers write often. This is no surprise. However, this is probably the most noticeable difference between those who indulge in freelance writing and those who write professionally. Freelance writers who “work” write every day. Even if they’re not working on a specific writing job, they’re usually writing something, whether it’s updating their blog, posting on their website, or creating promotional materials for their writing and writing services.
  • Extensive Market Research: Professional freelance writers know how to research the freelance market. He spends time researching publications he wants to write about before submitting an inquiry. To know when to “pitch” his article idea, he researched each publication’s guidelines, read months-old issues, and searched the publication’s editorial calendar online.
  • Compelling Queries and Proposals: Professional freelance writers can write effective cover letters and book proposals. He knows editors want a first paragraph that “hooks” their question, written in the same tone and style as the proposed article. He is familiar with the parts of a winning book proposal and how to find an agent and/or publisher to submit a proposal.
  • Tailored Writing for Targeted Markets: Current freelance writers know how to write for a specific market. He knew that the articles he wrote for AARP Magazine and TEEN Magazine shouldn’t have the same tone. Naturally, the subjects of these publications must also vary.
  • Proactive Job Searching: An active freelance writer knows how to find plenty of lucrative writing jobs. He will not wait for vacancies to arise. He found a job through an online job board. He subscribes to a number of e-zines with freelance writing opportunities. He also understands how to build a relationship with an editor so that he can be contacted repeatedly for assignments.
  • Comprehensive Marketing Plan: An active freelance writer always has a weekly plan for writing and marketing writing services. He understands that selling his work and building a “platform” for himself is just as important as his writing job.
  • Broad Network of Contacts: An active freelance writer has a network of contacts that he uses to promote his writing and writing services. He knows and connects effectively with writers from all over the country (and even the world).
  • Defined Writing Focus: The currently working freelance writer has developed priorities for his writing career. That said, he knows where he wants to go with his work. He didn’t waste his time writing masses of low-paid, time-consuming short essays each week. In addition to pursuing bigger, more lucrative projects, he gives lectures, courses and seminars to fully compensate him for his time and expertise.
  • Sustained Focus and Support: A working freelance writer can stay focused so that he can live the life of a writer he desires. He has a strategy that keeps him on track. When he can’t concentrate himself, he hires a coach to help him stay on track.
  • Informational Products and Strategic Marketing: An actively working freelance writer created his own information product to market and had others market it on his behalf. Most good freelance writers know a lot about freelance writing. They apply this knowledge in the production of writing-related articles, advice manuals, books and courses. They sell many of these products themselves, but they also have affiliates who sell their products.


To be a successful freelance writer, you need more than just writing talent. It requires consistent effort, market knowledge, effective communication, adaptability, aggressive marketing and focused strategy. Aspiring freelance writers can increase their chances of achieving their goals and enjoying a fulfilling writing career by exhibiting the ten characteristics mentioned above.


1. Can anyone become a freelance writer?

Absolute! Freelance writing is open to anyone with a passion for writing and a willingness to learn and adapt.

2. How often should I write as a freelance writer?

To excel at freelance writing, it pays to write regularly. Strive to write every day, whether it’s for clients or a personal project.

3. How do I find profitable writing jobs?

To find lucrative writing jobs, take advantage of online job boards, subscribe to the freelance writing newsletter, and build relationships with editors.

4. Is Marketing Important to Freelance Writers?

Yes, marketing plays a vital role in a freelance writing career. Create a weekly marketing plan to promote your work and build your personal brand.

5. As a freelance writer, do I have to create information products?

As a freelance writer, creating information products can be a great way to leverage your expertise and generate additional income. Consider writing articles, brochures, books or courses related to writing and marketing them effectively.